Heather Skipper - 25.5 pounds LOST! 20.7 inches GONE!Heather's Story!!
Looking back over the last 12 weeks of the challenge and I've got to say, "Wow!" I feel amazing and STRONG now. When I began the journey at the end of summer I was feeling what I can best describe as fluffy and puffy! We enjoyed our summer, let's just say that. So I told my hubby that I was going to sign up and I told myself I will commit all the way for 12 weeks. What is 12 weeks out of a lifetime right?! Prior to this challenge, I thought my family and I were eating healthy Monday - Friday and I was working out inconsistently. I had about 20 pounds of extra weight sticking to me and it wouldn't budge. So yes this challenge was during football season, lots of tailgate parties, Halloween costume parties and right on up to the holiday parties. Good thing I have an amazing team of friends and family to support me. I packed meals and snacks to take on the go to all the events and moved on. I also hovered over the veggie platters at parties too! Yes I gave up alcohol for the challenge although when we took a Disney cruise I allowed myself some wiggle room each day (though I still worked out daily and made healthy choices with food). What worked? Sticking to the menu and planning ahead. This was my go to: 1) Thursdays: Print the menu and make the grocery list. 2) Friday Nights: Great time for grocery shopping - Food Lion was empty! (Secret: I would also get a head start on some of the more difficult to find ingredients!) 3) Saturdays: Prep and cook for the week ahead. (Sometimes a little prep and cook on Sundays too). My husband and I became a well oiled machine working together in the kitchen to prep. 4) Post menu on kitchen cabinet. Yes, I'm type A so I checked off each meal as I ate them. I also kept a copy at work. 5) I worked out 7 days a week, did my cardio and then picked 3 bonus workouts each week. I put all of this on my calendar for the week ahead to make sure I made time for it. Did it mean that sometimes I was in the gym at 7pm one night at 6am the next morning? Yes, from time to time but it didn't kill me (as Kendra says: this will not kill you, everyone before you has survived!). Some other areas that helped: 1) WLG 101 was a great class to take each Monday evening. It was my first class at WLG and a great way to get started with many others who were in the challenge. Strength in numbers! 2) We had the option of becoming part of a team for the challenge. I didn't know that many folks so I thought it would be great to meet more folks. This was a great idea. We had a team leader and a private Facebook page to access. The FB page was a place to ask questions, share advice, and cheer one another on. It worked - as we won both team challenges and got access to private training with Kendra as a team!! Takeaways: 1) My 6 year old son now talks about "his meal plan." 2) I lost over 25 lbs through hard work, lots of sweat and dedication. 3) It was all worth it! Just set your mind to it, stick to the plan and it will work for you. It doesn't matter what your goal is, if you give it all you have you will definitely be healthier at the end. - Heather Skipper, WLG Athlete
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DEBBIE O'MALLEYMy 6th Challenge with WLG Fit Camp and I was determined this would be the one. I knew this time I was going to have to make some changes from the previous challenges I had entered, this time I needed to get serious and make some lifestyle changes. I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's hard you really have to be dedicated and fit time into your day for exercise, fit camp, bonus points and meal prepping. Friday's were my day for food shopping and meal prep. For the most part I followed the meal plan that was provided to us by Kendra. I would start my day with a protein shake (6am) usually it would be whey protein, banana, spinach, scoop of oatmeal, and almond milk. Around 9am I would have 3 or 4 egg whites w/ avocado. Lunch was usually whatever Kendra had suggested on the meal plan (zucchini lasagna rolls, spaghettini squash lasagna, chicken w/ broccoli, chili, etc.) mid day snack I would slice an apple put in plastic baggie add some cinnamon and almonds shake up sooo good! Dinner again was something from meal plan. I basically ate about six small clean meals per day. Water water and more water I would buy the Dear Park gallon jug and drink at least two of them a day maybe more it just became part of my everyday routine. I worked out basically everyday. Mon, Tues, Wed, Evenings I would lift at gym, Friday mornings also followed by boot camp @ WLG and Saturday morning yoga @WLG. Usually we would run after yoga to get in the bonus points for the week as well as run on Sunday's and fit in a gym work out. I feel good better then I have in quite some time, I have so much energy and just feel good and more confident about working out. Kendra's boot camp is one of a kind I tell everyone to try it just once, you will be hooked you are more then just a paying customer to her you become one of the WLG family members the support you get from everyone there is unbelievable . Thank you Kendra for providing all of us with the opportunity to better our athletic abilities. A special thanks to my husband who spent many nights alone while I was either at boot camp, gym or running and never once complained and how could I forget my work out buddy Jen Haas with out her I never would have gotten this far I complained every work out and she pushed me to never give up! - Debbie O'Malley, WLG Athlete The Shine Theory: “I don’t SHINE if you don’t SHINE!” “Shine Theory” is an idea put forth by journalist Ann Friedman, inspired by her best friend, in her 2013 article for New York Magazine entitled, “Shine Theory: Why Powerful Women Make the Greatest Friends.” Ann’s theory posits that surrounding yourself with powerful, successful women doesn’t make you look worse in comparison, it makes you better. She states, “ I want the strongest, happiest, smartest women in my corner, pushing me to negotiate for more money, telling me to drop men who make me feel bad about myself, and responding to my outfit selfies from a place of love and stylishness, not competition and body-snarking.” While Ann’s article focused mainly on career, nowhere in my life do I see shine theory exemplified more on a daily basis than at WLG. Now that I know about shine theory I can’t NOT see it in each and every class. It’s not just a haven for this practice, it’s the expectation. Our coaches voices are encouraging, pushing, teaching us to be better. Your partner is counting down with you. “One more.” “You’ve got this.” “We can do it.” Even during a 12 week challenge where there is one definitive winner, the entire process is centered around the support of your team and getting everyone to their personal best. When one shines we all shine. In a recent session, a certain powerhouse in 6am did sit-ups and planks to the pace of my sprints and power pushbacks. It was the end of a really challenging workout and as I watched her be awesome and heard her encouraging me, I was able to find that tiny bit of energy I had left to finish as strong as I could. She was shining (as she always does) and so I did as well. Look around the next time you’re in class and observe. Who is cheering everyone on? Who is trying something new? Who is pushing themselves? Who is coming to class for the first time, even though they’re nervous? WLG is generating some pretty bright light and we’re all shining as a result. Author, Molly Malone, WLG Athlete Source: http://nymag.com/thecut/2013/05/shine-theory-how-to-stop-female-competition.html Calm, kind, grateful. These aren’t always the first words that come to mind during a weight loss challenge. These aren’t usually even the first words that come to mind in our day to day lives. Unless you’re a yoga or meditation practitioner and take time each day to slow down, most of our lives are fast paced, stressful, and (many times) about getting what we want when we want it. The need for immediate gratification is so often a part of our culture that, when trying to lose weight and improve our health, it can breed frustration and disappointment when things aren’t easy or don’t happen right away. Calm. It may seem counterintuitive to a high intensity workout but stop and think: How do you approach a challenging workout or a long run? Is your head clear and focused or does your mind immediately start saying, “No, no, no, no” or “That’s too hard for me!”? Tackling a challenge with a clear, calm mind could make all the difference. Think about facing what seems like a million burpees (sometimes only a slight exaggeration : )). Saying to yourself, “This is horrible. This hurts. This is hard” won’t do anything but make them horrible, painful, and hard. If you can calm your mind enough to focus on ten at a time or five at a time it could become a much more manageable task. Once you’ve conquered it, you’ll know you can do it (or more) the next time. Kind. How do you speak to yourself during a workout and throughout the day? If you’re struggling in the gym that day do you get frustrated with yourself? We are often our own worst critics, bashing our best efforts and tearing ourselves down. What if, when something is difficult, we spoke to ourselves with kindness? What if, instead of getting discouraged when things feel challenging and we’re out of breath, we gave ourselves some acknowledgement for working so hard? This idea is even more important when it comes to food. Treat yourself with kindness if you overindulge or make a poor choice. Forgive yourself, move on, and make your next choice one that is kind to your body. Grateful. Have you ever gone running and marveled at the mechanics and intricacies that must come together perfectly to allow you to do so? From the neurons firing in your brain to the tiny muscles and ligaments of your feet, everything must work in synchronicity. How lucky are we that every piece is able to come together to allow our bodies to work as designed? If staying calm and being kind to yourself is difficult, finding ways to be grateful should be easier. For a healthy, functioning body, for the resources to buy healthy food and go to the gym, and for having time available in our lives that we’re able to dedicate to bettering ourselves and improving our health, we can be grateful. How are you approaching this challenge? Is your mindset going to allow you to persevere throughout all 12 weeks, be resilient when faced with challenges and setbacks, and maintain and continue all you’ve worked for this fall? What words are characterizing your transformation? Healthier Choices and what your Body really needs!! IF YOU’RE CRAVING: CHOCOLATE You could be lacking magnesium in your diet. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in energy production, glucose metabolism, and muscle function. This is especially true for those hitting the gym hard. INSTEAD, REACH FOR high-quality, low-sugar dark chocolate. I recommend sticking to 75% cocoa or higher, and pairing it with another magnesium-rich source like sunflower seeds. My personal favorite is Hu, which is a little pricey, but all the more reason to keep portions in check. IF YOU’RE CRAVING: CANDY Craving pure sugar is a good indication that you’re running low on energy. Think about it. What is the one thing you’re itching for, after a terrible night’s sleep, or at around 4p during a stressful workday? The answer is usually sugar, because it’s used as instant fuel for our body’s cells. INSTEAD, REACH FOR if you’re raiding your co-workers’ Candy stash, I recommend a more slow-burn carbohydrate with a source of fat or protein. Unlike simple sugar, this will fuel your cells while avoiding the post-sugar crash. Two options that make for great pick-me-ups: apples with nut butter, or berries with 2% unsweetened Greek yogurt. IF YOU’RE CRAVING: SALTY If nothing but the saltiest pickle will do, you may not be drinking enough H2O. Salt helps the body hold on to water, so we crave it when we’re in need of fluids. INSTEAD, REACH FOR water. Stay hydrated, especially as we approach the summer months. If plain water bores you, try adding in mint, lemon, or frozen fruit to mix it up. And if you’re really just craving salt after all, toasted seaweed is a great low calorie option. IF YOU’RE CRAVING: STARCHY CARBS LIKE BREAD, BAGELS, AND PASTA Since high-carb foods boost the feel-good hormone serotonin, starch cravings can be a sign you’re in need of a mood booster. INSTEAD, REACH FOR: a bath. Bust out the Epsom salts, it’s time for some serious R+R. Trust me. Indulging in a starch free-for-all feels really good in the moment and not so good the next day. IF YOU’RE CRAVING: RICH CREAMY DAIRY Your body may be telling you it’s in need of some healthy fat. INSTEAD, REACH FOR I’m a realist, so if you’re craving ice cream, I’m not going to recommend a handful of walnuts, which are, of course, full of healthy fat. For ice-cream emergencies I recommend lower-in-sugar coconut ice-creams like Coconut Bliss. IF YOU’RE CRAVING: A BURGER If you can’t stop thinking about red meat, there’s a chance you’re your body is craving iron, b12 and folic acid. This is especially true during or around that time of the month. INSTEAD, REACH FOR I’m a proponent of grass fed, antibiotic and hormone-free red meat 1x week. Try experimenting with an open-faced bison burger, which, cut for cut, is leaner and has more iron than beef. Content provided by www.drpia.com Food For Thought! Want to help yourself with better memory! Here's a quick snack to help you do just that! 1 hard-boiled egg + 1/2 tsp. horseradish = Total Recall Choline, an essential nutrient found in yolks, is key to maintaining memory because it encourages clear communication between brain cells. Eggs also have vitamin D, a necessity for neural function. For more zing and extra support for cell growth mix the yolk with horseradish. Food For Thought! Want to help yourself to think clearer! Here's a quick snack to help you do just that! 1/2 avocado + 2 whole wheat crackers = Clear Cognition High in good-for-you monounsaturated fat, avocados increase blood flow to the brain. Whole grains make the perfect pair, since they supply an anti-inflammatory punch plus B vitamins, such as thiamin, which battle mental decline. Food For Thought! Want to help yourself to concentrate better! Here's a quick snack to help you do just that! 1 can chick peas + 1 tbsp. turmeric + 1 tbsp. olive oil = Better Processing Chickpeas are rich in B vitamins, which help reduce brain cell shrinkage and offer up a slow yet steady source of carbs to keep your mind focused. The spice adds an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory kick to enhance brain performance and fight Alzheimer's. Drain the chickpeas, toss them with turmeric and oil, spread out on a backing sheet and bake at 425 degrees for at least 15 minutes - long if you want more crunch. Yields (3) 1/2 cup servings. Food For Thought! Want to help yourself to process information better! Here's a quick snack to help you do just that! 1 cup plain yogurt + 1/2 cup blueberries = Better Processing Thanks to blueberries' potent flavonoids, eating at least one 1/2-cup serving a week of this superfood delays mental aging by up to TWO and a HALF years, according to research! The yogurt (look for one with less than 10 grams of sugar per serving) provides potassium, to improve blood flow, and probiotics, which promote health belly bacteria and protect the gut's lining. Food For Thought! Want to help yourself to think fast on your feet! Here's a quick snack to help you do just that! 7 halved walnuts + 1 tbsp. sunflower seeds + 2 tbsp. dried cherries = Quick Thinking The ingredients in this homemade trail mix burst with anti-inflammatory agents that improve brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts have also been shown to boost learning and memory and their vitamin E shields cells from damage caused by free radials. |
AuthorKendra Eichler, WLG Coach Archives
January 2018