Get ready for it! I mean it's crazy! But here goes…. GET OFF THE SCALE! I mean straight up ignore it. Like "I don't see you" kind of ignoring it. The reason why? It. Is. A. Big. FAT. Liar. So in the voice of Elsa from Frozen "Let it goooooooo, let it goooooo…." Do you want to know the truth to weight loss and reduction in body fat composition? Move more - like lots more - and eat less (crap that is). For so many just getting out of bed and to come to class is a struggle. I get it - the struggle is REAL. But dammit, make it count once you are there. I am not trying to make you comfortable in class. Challenging yourself is not supposed to be comfortable. Neither is change. Embrace the struggle for change and keep your eye on the prize because if it was easy then EVERYONE would be doing it. Change only happens for the ones that really, really, really want it. Give 100%. Every single training session - no matter how big or small, they all count. That perception of effort is measurable - pace, tempo, load, resistance - meaning what was once hard is now doable, but you have moved on to a more difficult level - BUT you are still giving 100%. So move - as fast as YOU can, not your neighbor, but for YOU! And strength train. Lift things up and put them back down. Repeat. Repeat again. Never forget whatever you do, it should always be hard. Always. Aside from sweating more, lifting more and moving more, one must consume a diet that is void of high fat and high sugar foods. You are what you eat. Eat clean. It it had a face at one point eat it. If its in a package be skeptical and read the labels. Eat more veggies. Be creative. Use spices. Drink water. Move some more. There is NO MAGIC PILL. There is NO secret. I get approached often to sell products. Products that for some work wonders. I think it's great. I think you should do whatever WORKS for you. But if you have to do something that you know you will never be able to maintain, that is low-calorie, requires starvation, requires pills, then I am sorry you are setting yourself up for failure. The secret is so simple, than most just cannot handle it. Move more, eat responsibly for your activity level and safely for your reasonable (1-2lbs. per week) weight loss goals. Most quick weight drops are directly related to water loss and not truly weight. Same applies when you get on the scale at night and it's 5 lb. up from the a.m. Really? It's water. It's okay. Throw out the scale. Use measurements and fitness related goals as your guide. Get lost in the PROCESS (PRO-Cess as my Evan would say) not the PRODUCT (weight loss) and you will be amazed at what awaits. Set a goal - run a 5k, do a pull, do a sit up….Whatever! Anything. You can appreciate the journey much more when you stop and smell the roses along the way. And trust me they are out there - if you plant the seeds for them. WEIGHT LOSS is not the true definition of progress and the sooner you realize that the better your fitness journey will be. End rant. Now go on out there and get moving.
You have all heard it. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. This can be applied to so many aspects of ones life. When applied to health and overall fitness, the same can be held true. I see it day in and day out. People do the things that they WANT to do. They want to eat the foods they like. The portion sizes they want. They choose to go or NOT go to the gym depending on how they feel. They drink what they want when they want. Then they will come to me and say "it's not working". They do the same thing day in and day out. Things that are not working yet still expecting different results. The very definition of INSANITY right??! It's so frustrating for all the parties involved. But this is how I see it…. YOU have to be ready for the struggle. You have to WANT IT - like the burning desire to fill your lungs with air. You have to make the necessary (yet hard) changes for yourself. Not for your husband/wife. Not for your kids. Not for that dress. Or your friends. But YOU! You have to be ready to commit to all the uncomfortablness of living outside of your comfort zone. It is an ever shifting tide of comfort because what feels hard today will become more manageable in time. You have to be prepared to stay the course regardless of the bumps - because THEY ARE THERE. However, you have to know that with daily in and out commitment IT WILL HAPPEN. Promise. The buck stops with you - no one else. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. So ask yourself are you ready to live outside of you comfort zone to see where all the magic happens. Where in the world is WLG? Take a pic on your next vacation and let's show our WLG pride!! Thanks Kim M. for this beauty of a pic from Key West, Florida! Pack your WLG shirt and send your pic to [email protected] and we will post it on our site! So since the inception of Workout Like A Girl LLC in August of 2011, I have put my heart and soul into training others. Their goals became my goals. Their fears became my fears and what does every mom do when they want the very best for others, they put those they care about above themselves. From sunrise to sundown I have constantly trying to find ways to motivate and keep everyone sweating and moving! As WLG became a machine of awesome athletes, sadly the only person who was not finding time to workout was...ME! I lost MY mojo while giving it to others. Whomp womp.... Whining officially over. I always tell the Fit Campers to suck it up and that's what I was gonna do! It's go time. Summer is coming and I am not going to miss this boat so starting this January, come hell or high water my ass was going to get to the gym. Every. Damn. Day. Tired? Don't care. Got work to do? Don't care. I am a happier person when I do, and regardless the laundry will pile up any way so SCREW IT! So I focused on several things that I wanted. Strength and stamina (body composition changes was the preferred choice though, but more the cherry on top). So what does this time-short girl to do? Lift and Run. Enter Mr. Front Squats, Mr. Back Squats, Mr. Lunges, Mrs. Deadlifts, Miss Overhead Squats and Mrs. Power Cleans. Now don't get me wrong I still did all my push, pulls, presses, rotary work and core stability challenges, however it was the lower body stuff that was helping this girl get some curves back...and fast! And to point out I am far from "done" (whatever that is or means) I just like feeling like I am "in it" again. It appears that, for me, my Olympic/Power lifts coupled with running sprint intervals was my ticket to RIIIIIIIIDE (yes, i might be singing that as I type it). In closing, my point is DO YOU! Whatever that is, that makes you feel good, that makes you feel like you are actually getting somewhere and DO IT - and do it daily. Because regardless, there will always be things on your to-do list, so stop making yourself one of them Life is too short to be anything but happy. I have no clue what the scale says currently because I don't believe in it, it's a feeling kind of thing and currently right now....I FEEL GREAT! K xoxo This makes me smile for so many reasons! The unnatural desire for perfection only leads many to feel like their efforts in nutrition and exercise are in vain. Cindy Crawford is re-donkulously gorgeous and why that the fact that she has released less than a "perfect" stomach is making such a fuss says more about our society than it does about her. However, what it does say about her is everything that I want my daughters to be - HAPPY WITH THYSELF. Period. Who doesn't have a little ache and pain? Well, here's the ticket to solve all those problems. The Adult Recovery Program was created to teach the techniques that will allow you to move as your body was intended. To restore your body to the freedom of movement you once had, you will learn and practice fascial release, trigger point therapy and flexibility tactics that will help prepare you before activity and help minimize recovery time to get you back to your next physical endeavour. March 21st at 11am is your next Workshop! FREE if you sign up for the 12 Week Challenge! Here is our 1st Place Transformation Winner, the lovely Sandi Nicholson! Sandi lost 20lbs. overall, lost 13% of her bodyweight, reduced her body fat by 8.4% and almost 18 INCHES from her body!! Sandi did and continues to do amazing things each week at the Workout Like A Girl Fit Camp. We love having her in class and was so happy that all her hard work paid off! Congrats Sandi xoxox Here is our 1st Place WLG 12 Week Fall Challenge Winner, the super sassy Jennifer Haas! Jen lost 18lbs. overall, lost 12% of her bodyweight, reduced her body fat by 12.5% and almost 17 INCHES from her body!! Jen comes to class to work hard, even if she complains the whole time (not that I notice;) she gives it 100%! When she is committed she is committed - I saw first hand the daily struggle of an athlete on a mission - it was INTENSE so say the least. It was hard fought and hard won! Congrats Jen! Love your face! Jason came to the WLG with the future Mrs. Bruns aka Melody Pereira (October 2014 WLG Athlete of the Month). Out of the gate, I noticed that Jason was a go-getter. Super focused. Not chatty during class. Always gave 110% to each and every challenge and was usually first in the door for our 1/4 mile sprints! Who was this guy!? Well I would come to find out.... He's amazing! During the 2014 WLG Fall Challenge, he managed to lose 23 lbs., 8% of body fat and 11 inches off his frame! I could not be more proud of all his achievements during the past year with the Fit Camps and think he is beyond deserving of this award! I would like to point out that though we have many guys that attend the Fit Camp that Jason is the FIRST to get this recognition. An athlete is an athlete. Hard work is hard work, no matter how you slice it. He works hard. He want change and HE DID IT!! Congrats Jason, you FLIPPIN rock!! The WLG Challenge has so many benefits. From weekly meal plans, to weekly workouts, to FREE classes, to finding the healthier stronger YOU that you knew was inside you - it has it all! Plus the support and friends you will make along the way are priceless. A few things to note.... I need two teeeeeny weeny favors... #1 SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST! I cannot add you to the Challenge Page until that happens and #2. PICK YOUR PERKS. Please respond HERE on this blog so I do not have to chase down info from all the various info avenues that come my way! Trying to streamline bayyyybeeeee! TTFN! xoxo
To the over 90 athletes currently enrolled in the Challenge start looking for some of these items to help you prepare for the day properly. The key to success in this Challenge is in the PREP!! You need a measuring cup, a planner, a blender bottle, Ziploc bags and containers, a water bottle and a scale! Be on the lookout for the group page this week and weigh in sign ups. And if you haven't already sent me a friend request please do so! We have less than two weeks until the start and I cannot wait! Enjoy the last little bit before the big day, because after that it's go time. K, xoxo |
AuthorKendra Eichler, WLG Coach Archives
January 2018