Ingredients Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Sauce:
Notes - To spiralize the zucchini for this recipe, I used the smallest blade (1/8") on a Paderno 3-blade spiralizer. Read more: Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Zucchini Noodles | GI 365 THIS CONTENT IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED © 2013 - 2014 GI365. All Rights Reserved - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS CONTENT, JUST DON'T DELETE THE ATTRIBUTION LINKS PLEASE - GI 365 | Gourmet Innovations For Everyday Life! Follow us: @GI_365 on Twitter | GI365 on Facebook
6/23/2015 Summer's HERE! So are FRESH veggies! Here's a list of the low-carb vs. high-carb options for your kitchen!Read NowMost vegetables are encouraged on low-carb diets. If you are considering using organic vegetables, check out this list of which fruits and vegetables have the most and least pesticides to help you guide your choices. Keep this list handy for future reference! Low-Carb Vegetables This list is roughly arranged from lowest to highest carbohydrate per serving, but most are non-starchy and generally low in carbohydrates. Exact carb count depends on serving size. Remember when counting carbs in vegetables that the fiber is not counted, and can be subtracted from the total. For more information about each vegetable, including carbs, calories, glycemic index, and recipes, click on the vegetables that have a link.
Courtesy of Laura Dolson Happy Anniversary Title IX! June 23rd marks the 43rd anniversary of Title IX. This initially small amendment, was first passed in 1972. It has had an immense impact on women and girl’s access to education and often most notably, to their participation in sports and athletics. The law states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination, under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Prior to the passage of title IX, women had few opportunities in athletics beyond what they organized themselves and their teams were often looked at as second rate. There was no funding and women were often actively discouraged and discriminated against. Many are familiar with the story of Katherine Switzer who, in 1967, ran the Boston Marathon and was chased and harassed by a race official. Women’s teams in high school and college had to purchase their own uniforms. They were discouraged from publicizing their accomplishments and had to raise money for their own equipment and travel expenses. Title IX was sponsored and championed by Birch Bayh of the Senate and Edith Green of the House of Representatives. Ms. Green worked in higher education for many years and was, “appalled to learn that public schools could create special programs for boys that excluded girls.” Ms. Green’s efforts to pass a bill to level the playing field were unsuccessful at first. Her cause failed to garner interest and many couldn’t be convinced that women actually wanted equal access to education. She waited until a larger education bill was coming before the house to add in her amendment. Title IX passed with little notice or consideration. After this, however, the effects of this law began to be felt. Billie Jean King, who attended college prior to the passage of Title IX and was unable to get a tennis scholarship, began rallying for higher pay and equal treatment of female tennis players. She famously beat Bobby Riggs in the “Battle of the Sexes” and later said, “Title IX had just passed and I...wanted to change the hearts and minds of people to match the legislation.” Soon scholarships and funding for equipment, uniforms, and travel were available. These changes did not come without opposition. Since 1975 there have been 20 court challenges against the law. In 1984 the law was reinterpreted to exclude athletics, rendering it powerless in that area. Its original intent was restored in 1988. The most recent attempt to undermine Title IX was, shockingly, in 2005. Despite these challenges, there is no denying the widespread impact Title IX has had. In 1972, fewer than 300,000 girls played high school sports. Today the count is over 3 million. Girls can participate in youth sports, there are high school and college teams for men and women, women can receive athletic scholarships, and women can represent our country at the Olympics. Thankfully, it’s now difficult to imagine a time when these opportunities weren’t available. Title IX helped legitimize women’s sports in big ways and showed the world the power of the female athlete. Author, Molly Malone Sources: Wildgang is a company specializing in women's clothing inspired by menswear. To celebrate the Women's World Cup, the company paired up with photographer Andrea Corradini to create #GameFace. This project took a look at the next generation of female soccer players and asked them to show off their "game faces". What resulted is a series of beautiful photographs of strong, confident young women. Wildfang's CEO stated "Our hope is these images leave you feeling inspired to go kick ass in your day." Please click the link below to see all the awesome pics! Please send you #gameface pics to [email protected]!
Author, Molly Malone Sources: Ingredients:
For the salad:
Directions: Squeeze ALL the moisture from the zucchini with paper towels. In a large bowl, combine ground turkey, zucchini, breadcrumbs, garlic, onion, oregano, salt and pepper. Mix well, add 1/4 cup of feta from the Salad Savors, mix and make 5 equal patties, not too thick so they cook in the center. Refrigerate until ready to cook. In a medium bowl combine the cucumber, tomato, red onion, SaladSavors, vinegar, salt and remaining Feta. Mix well. To cook indoors: Heat a large nonstick skillet on high heat. When hot, lightly spray oil. Add burgers to the pan and reduce the heat to low. Cook on one side until browned, then flip. Flip over a few times to prevent burning and to make sure the burgers are cooked all the way through. If grilling: Clean grill well before cooking and oil the grates generously to prevent sticking. Cook the burgers on medium heat about 5 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink in the center. To serve, place the burger on a dish and top with 2/3 cup of salad. Nutritional Information: Servings: 5 • Serving Size: 1 burger plus salad • Calories: 221 • Fat: 11 • Carbs: 10 g • Fiber: 2 • Protein: 20 g • Sugar: 1 g Sodium: 445 mg • Cholesterol: 73 mg Recipe courtesy of “There is no red line. You can always do more.” Krystal Cantu is a 25-year-old competitive Crossfit Athlete. She came to Crossfit only a year ago, in 2014, and fell in love with the sport after just one class. She and her coaches soon realized she had the potential to compete. Just a few months into her training and 17 days before her first competition, however, Krystal lost her right arm. Krystal and her boyfriend, Daniel, were driving when his tire blew out. Her right arm went through the window and was crushed between the car and the road. Due to extensive damage to the blood vessels, Krystal’s arm was amputated in the middle of her humerus. She was released from the hospital after three days and, incredibly, returned to training only a month later. Pushing any negativity and self-pity aside, Krystal focused on the movements her body remembered and began adapting. She focused on finding her balance with one arm and strengthening her core in order to continue training in the sport she loves. Three months after her accident, Krystal competed in her first Crossfit competition which only solidified her commitment and determination. Krystal’s most recent back squat PR is 215 lbs and her latest front squat PR is 195 lbs. She was chosen to be a sponsored athlete by 1st Phorm, a supplement company. She has competed in the adapted Crossfit competition, Working Wounded Games and hopes to compete in the adapted Crossfit Games. She also has her eyes on the Paralympics. Despite a seemingly huge obstacle, Krystal’s attitude and resolve helps her persevere. She stated, “I train because every day I see improvements. Every day I get stronger and every day I prove to myself that the human body is an amazing thing when you have the right mindset. Never make excuses.” Sources: 6/3/2015 Pineapple sesame meatballs - Refreshing & delicious (just happens to be paleo and gluten free)Read NowIngredients
Try with this Pineapple Ginger Coleslaw Recipe:Mix together: 2 cups coleslaw 1/4 cup mayo or you could use Greek Yogurt 1/2 cup diced pineapple 1 green onion, sliced using both white and green parts 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger Juice of ½ limeRecipe: Recipe Courtesy of Not sure what a good carb vs a bad carb is, and tired of trying to figure it out? Who called them good and bad in the first place? Aren’t they all good? Can I have carbs if I’m dieting? When should I have them and how do I eat them? Are you carb confused? I’d say we are unanimously agreed on that score.
Even our governing health organizations like The Center for Disease Control (CDC), weighs in about “good” vs “bad” carbs saying “bad” carbs, making this macronutrient all the more sinister. The CDC says “bad” carbs are those containing “refined carbohydrates or “white bread, cakes and cookies” etc. Therefore “good” carbs must contain other, better nutrients, namely “fiber and complex carbohydrates,” like vegetables, grains and fruit. This naming of good and bad carbs has occasioned an avalanche of confusion of which I was an active participant in my early days of obsessive carb consumption. Take heart though. It’s not our fault. When scientists first focused on carbs in the late 1800’s early 1900’s, they applied the adjectives complex and simple to these carbon + hydrogen + oxygen molecules. But it’s not that simple. There are three kinds of carbohydrates: SUGAR, STARCH and FIBER. Notice the lack of good vs bad here. Sugar itself is a carbohydrate. Sugars can be SIMPLE or COMPLEX, depending on molecular structure. Sugars are SIMPLE carbs, containing one or two molecules of sugar. Starch and fiber are COMPLEX carbs, containing numerous molecules of sugar in complex arrangements. The goal of digestion is to break down all sugars into single molecules because these are the only ones that can be absorbed. Basically, all carbs are plant based foods. In recent years, cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatson, created the South Beach Diet, and made the carb issue even more confusing by applying the Good Carb, Bad Carb label to this macronutrient. Now we think of carbs as being villainous. We count them. We shun them. We ignore them. We avoid them. We love them. It’s hard to know what to think about carbs. What we do know is carbohydrates as they were intended to be consumed, whole, nutrient dense, properly prepared and well sourced, are a critical source of energy in the form of glucose. Carbs also help cells communicate with one another and they provide food, particularly in the form of fiber, to the 5 pounds of friendly gut bacteria known as the microbiome. Where we get into trouble is eating processed carbs that have been stripped of anything nutritional, leaving the body in a depleted state – depleted nutritionally and every other way. With continued simple carb consumption the body becomes accustomed to digesting that source of fuel only. Think of simple carbs as fast acting fuel that is delivered immediately into the bloodstream – much like a needle would inject a drug into a vein. It’s immediate. With such a drastic flood of simple sugars/carbs into the blood, wild fluctuations in blood sugar levels happen, predisposing us to obesity and illness. The body prefers the fastest source of sweet fuel and simple carbs are it unless you teach your body how to digest the other macronutrients – fat and protein – as well as complex carbs. Complex carbs take a lot of work to digest. Your mouth starts the process while your stomach steps in to get the rest and then the friendlies in your gut take over for some fine dining on what’s left. It’s a long process to churn through a mouthful of brown rice pilaf. The longer it takes to digest a carb the better, keeping blood sugar levels steady and our tummies fuller, while keeping us leaner! To clear up some of the confusion, when I think of carbohydrates, I always assign a prefix to them depending on their source. For example, you know how much I love greens. When I fix my steamed spinach topped with turmeric eggs breakfast, I think of the spinach as Green Carbs. This would apply to all greens. When I eat my bowl of mixed berries topped with a dollop of full fat yogurt, I think of the berries as Fruit Carbs. This would apply to all fruits. When I make my winter hash with chopped broccoli, onion, garlic, Brussels sprouts and so on, I think of these as Vegetable Carbs. Honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar are fast acting Sweet Carbs. Then there are the Grain Carbs found in breads, cereals, rice and other such foods. I don’t necessarily think of carbs as bad or good. I do think about where the food I intend to eat has come from and decide whether that works in my Eat Clean lifestyle. Wonderbread? Not so much. Commercial peanut butter? Not so much. Froot Loops? Hardly. What makes the carb bad is how greatly it has been altered from its original source to resemble “food” and how much we eat of it. There are MANY carbs I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. I pretty much avoid cereal and bread, cookie and pastry aisles in the grocery store. These are definitely bad carbs because they do not, in any way, resemble the original plant from where they came. Can you tell where a Twinkie came from? Now it’s your turn. Think about your next meal. Look at what’s on your plate and ask yourself where those carbs came from. If you are pulling up to a McDonalds, the bun on your Big Mac is loaded with simple carbs that will go, like a straight shot, into your blood. Same with the fries. If a tomato and lettuce managed to find their way onto your burger, those would be complex carbs. If your breakfast consisted of orange juice, Cap’n Crunch and Wonderbread toast spread with Skippy, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE FOODS are SIMPLE CARBS. Get ready for your sugar overdose! LET’S TURN OUR CARB THINKING AROUND. HERE’S HOW: 1. Consider the source. Where did that food you are about to eat come from? 2. Does that food look anything like the plant from where it came? 3. If you can’t tell, don’t eat it. 4. Make sure all carbs you eat are whole, bearing evidence of peel, leaves, stalks, stems, petals, seeds and other roughage. 5. When you eat carbs always pair with a healthy fat to slow down release of glucose into the blood stream. Pair an apple with natural nut butter. Pair raw veggies with hummus and pair a glass of wine with several raw walnuts. Good quality oil with salad greens. Good quality butter with cooked vegetables. 6. Include carbs as a regular part of your diet as they are essential for optimal health. 7. Source grains particularly well as they are the most genetically engineered and altered foods. If uncertain, choose ancient grains such as buckwheat, teff, emmer, farro, spelt, heritage rices like Golden Carolina, kamut. 8. Eat carbs in balance. They should not predominate your diet but should factor strongly. I use the 30% fat + 30% protein + 40% carbs rule. In that 40% carbs, 20% should come from leafy greens while the remaining 20% come from fruit and grains. Have a healthy respect for carbs and their role in our optimum health. Choose well-sourced greens, grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid refined foods, foods that have been stripped down to their Tidy Whities every time. ALTERNATIVES TO WHITE-FLOUR-BASED CARBS TO WARD OFF CRAVINGS: – Live Organic Raw Nori Crackers – Marci’s Harvest Morning Cookie – Explore Asian’s Organic Edamame Spaghetti – Explore Asian’s Organic Black Bean Spaghetti – Julian Bakery’s Paleo Wraps – Cappello’s Cookie Dough – Paleoful’s Brownie Mix – Eat Enlightened’s Roasted Broad Bean “Chips” – My Cauliflower Crust Pizza – Toasted Chickpeas – Air-popped organic popcorn kernels Article from |
AuthorKendra Eichler, WLG Coach Archives
January 2018